
Attack of the Giant Mango

Attack of the Giant Mango

🗣”Attack of the GIANT Mango 🥭” …..    I was preaching 🗣🎚last night (mucho grande HOT 🥵, one church fan  ⛪️ and it’s NOT blowing on me), and I hear this VERY LOUD BANG… like gunfire 💥🔫, but nobody dives for cover. I thought 🤔, a car 🚙 maybe backfiring, because a car 🚗 drove by as the  BANG went off. Or, gang members shooting at each other 🔫💥🔫.      I ask my translator,”WHAT WAS THE BANG ?”   He said,”a MANGO 🥭 hitting the metal roof of the Church ⛪️ 🙀.” 🤣😂

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Fishers of Men Ministry Broken Arrow was incorporated in 2002 Tony Woconish and his beautiful wife Charlotte. Chaplain Tony has since traveled the country and the world evangelizing and delivering the Word of God powerfully.

FOMM relies upon the generous donations of its followers to bring the grace and mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to those that would otherwise never hear.

PO Box 140606
Broken Arrow, Oklahoma 74014